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The journey, not the destination


When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. – Isaiah 43:2

The above scripture is so purposely written. Isaiah, a prophet called by God to deliver his words to Israel writes the message God has given him. And he says WHEN… not IF! He says WILL… not MAY!

WHEN and WILL are words of certainty, IF and MAY are possibilities.

When we go through things in our lives, which we will. Trials and tribulations steal our joy, leaving us with questions that we want answers to.


What if?


This week I wrote an A4 page of questions that I wanted answers to. But I am so blessed that the Lord continues to teach me. He puts valuable wise people in my life and on my path to guide me. It’s like I can hear Him, “Happiness is a journey Mandy, not a destination”.

If I get the answer, I will be happy … well maybe you wont like the answer. Again, I am thankful for the wisdom of the people God places on my path.

This path to happiness, it’s a rocky one. If we stay focused on wanting to be happy, but not truly living in happiness we will miss it. Happiness is not perfection. A perfect happy day. Happiness is a moment amidst the chaos, happiness is being kind to others, happiness is letting the question go unanswered. Happiness is trusting in God fully, because he says WHEN you, I WILL.

That is enough. If the God that created galaxies tells you HE WILL, that needs to be enough.

My prayer for you today, is not that just reading my post will make you happy. IF ONLY! My prayer instead is that you focus on finding the little miracles, the little blessings, the little joy in each moment, no matter how it may present itself, and it fills you with simple joy, so that every part of your journey no matter how difficult has a glimmer of happiness. Because happiness is a journey, not a destination.




Nov 21, 2023

I needed this reminder 🌸

Nov 21, 2023
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