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Raising faith-filled humans!


‘For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart – 1 Samuel 1:27’

Every Moms’ story is different … how they got to the being a mom part.

Mine feels like a fairy tale. I married the man of my dreams, a year later prayed for a baby, and through Gods goodness I was blessed with my daughter (after being told I may have difficulty conceiving due to a septum in my uterus). The Lord blessed me with an incredibly fierce girl that is a goal driven, and passionate. She has a competitive spirit and is incredibly smart. When I prayed for my daughter, I negotiated with the Lord (it’s a Jesus and me thing). I said I would be grateful if He would answer my prayer, and that I would never ask for such a thing again.

A few years later I was on my knees again, praying for another baby (cheeky I know), but the Lord granted the desires of my heart, and blessed me with my son. He is a gentle soul, who is mischievous, inquisitive, and naturally funny!

On my journey, I have been blessed that the Lord has been so gracious to answer my prayers.

This journey reminds me of how God is in control of every aspect of our lives. I am a mother because he made me one. For this very reason I am devoted to raising faith-filled humans who know the goodness of the Lord.

I am far from perfect, and there are times where I don’t lead by example, I lose my cool, I don’t always have patience. But motherhood is something that the Lord has called me to do.

Moms don’t take your job lightly, your influence, guidance, encouragement, discipline, and discipleship is one of the greatest things you will ever do in this lifetime for your child.

So, raise your faith-filled humans, and when you feel like you are not getting it right, remind yourself that the same God that created the heavens and the Earth, chose YOU, SPECIFICALLY YOU, to be a mom to your child. He doesn’t make mistakes.





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