Too often in life we SEEK our worth in the people around us.
We look for it in the opinions of others. We look for it in the likes and comment sections of our social media pages. We look for it in the eyes of our families and friends. We look for it in the clothing we wear, or in our job titles. But, when we SEEK our worth in these places, people, or things we will certainly never find it!
People will only make you feel as worthy as they would like you to feel, limited to their understanding or their ability to know their own worth. If they find their worth in comparing how much money their neighbor has, they will find ways to take your financial worth away, make you feel small for being financially capable or incapable.
If they find their worth in their education, or their job title, they will make you feel uneducated, or underachieving. If they feel unworthy in their education or job title, they will make your feel over educated or overachieving.
The standard of worthiness is humanly non-existent, I have tried… Tried to be more, tried to be less, but still that bar was unreachable.
Lately I have been spending time in the book of Ruth. It is one of the shortest books in the Bible, but it is filled with so much WORTH.
I encourage you to read it for yourself (it shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes to do so), but for those of you who may need a crash course, here are some key pieces that will help you understand my post.
Naomi was a Jewish woman from Jerusalem, she had a husband and two sons. Due to a famine in her land, they had to move to Moab (modern day Jordan). Naomi’s sons married Moabite women. Moabites typically worshiped chemosh a mythological god.
In a short time, Naomi lost her husband and both sons. Naomi had to return to her land, but she encouraged her daughter in laws to return to their mothers, and their gods.
One of her daughters in law, Ruth, could not leave her. So, she gave up her life and her god to follow Naomi back home and took on Naomi’s God, the only true living God.
Long story short, Ruth went on to marry Boaz, a humble man from Jerusalem. Boaz and Ruth go on to become the great grandparents to King David. Jesus Christ is a descendant of King David.
Please do not limit your worth to who someone says or thinks you can be.
God used a converted Gentile woman part of the story of Jesus Christ.
His forgiveness, His grace, His mercy is all we need to be worthy.
Straighten up those shoulders and be the worthy child of God that you are!
And in the same breath, be more Christ like, find worth in the people around you. Make them believe they are worthy IN CHRIST.

Mandy xxx
Beautifully written!!
I love this ♥️