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This weeks post heading is about the three different versions of ourselves we carry around wherever we go.

Somewhere along this journey called life, human nature creeps in and allows us to carry some things we were never meant to carry, like the weight of other people’s opinions. As I grow older, I am SLOWLY learning that this weight has never been mine to carry.

But, when you are young, social circumstances ‘shape’ you. You have so many influences over your life like family members, friends, strangers and for the newer generation social media personalities, there are so many things around you that begin to mould you into the person you become. Now without wisdom and proper guidance, you cannot always distinguish clearly between good and bad influences, so you become who everyone wants you to be, you adjust yourself to the situation you find yourself in.

This is not living authentically.

The first thing I want you to know, is that you do not have to carry it all.

In 1 Peter 5:7 we are told to “Cast your cares upon him, for he cares for you”.

We don’t want to disappoint our loved ones, we don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, but in the end, we lose ourselves and become someone that we ourselves do not like. God wants you to give this burden to Him, He will help you carry it

The second thing is this. GOD CANNOT BE FOOLED! You can pretend all you want, but He sees the real you!

This is a major driving force in my life. I love God, I am flawed, He knows me, the real me.

I want to spend eternity in His presence. I know that if I fake it, I will not get that blessing, and anything other than eternity with Christ will be insufferable.

So, I push myself to be uncomfortable by not being what or who is expected of me, other than my own true self. I give my weaknesses to the Lord (whether I give them to Him or not, he knows I have them), He created me, He knows my imperfections and flaws, but His grace and mercy overflows.

Push yourself out of comfort zones (which if you have to be honest, are internal uncomfortable zones) and be AUTHENTICALLY YOU. Not by saying you are who you are, but by being who you are, living who you are, and standing in God’s light, that is true authenticity. God has placed so many loving people around you, that will embrace you as your true self, and you will feel a joy from deep within.

‘Little children, let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth.’ – 1 John 3:18



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