The more time I spent reflecting on my final blog for 2023, the more I was led to this.
2023 for me was a year of prioritising joy.
In Bible terms, joy is a feeling of good pleasure and happiness that is DEPENDANT ON WHO JESUS IS rather that who we are or what is happening around us.
I have mentioned before that I chase the ‘joy high’, having generational addiction on both sides of my family, I was bound to be addicted to something. Fortunately for me, the drug of my choice is happiness.
This year I set out to be the happiest version of myself, and I can truly say, that I have found joy in every single day! No matter how small!
What is my secret? Firstly, I have trusted Jesus with every aspect of my life, and I have followed Him no matter what the noise around me sounded like. Secondly, I have surrounded myself with people who have encouraged me, uplifted me, and helped me view things from a different perspective which helped me take accountability for my own happiness.
My encouragement to you is that if you feel that you are lacking joy in your life, evaluate your current situation, what is it that is stealing your joy? Money, status, influence … none of these things can bring you true joy. If you seek joy in these empty things, you will be continually left feeling empty. But if you seek joy, despite all the problems you may be faced with, in God, and you seek His guidance in your life, the joy you will be filled with is immeasurable, because Jesus is the JOY OF THE WORLD! He will surround you with Christ-like people. Your problems WILL NOT DISAPPEAR, but again, despite what you are faced with, your joy will shine through.
Over the next couple of weeks, as you spend time with your loved ones, reflecting on how the birth of Jesus has forever changed it all, I pray that you are filled with joy and peace. Not just in the Christmas sense, but truly filled up with His beautiful spirit. I pray that it will be a joy so big that you are able to pour out into others too.
Have a blessed festive season! Be safe!